Finalist: Eurogamer Expo Indie Games Arcade 2011

A puzzle game of cheating and stealing for iPad.

Beat your friends in action-packed puzzle battles! Steal and cheat by grabbing your opponent's jewels. Or take on a gauntlet of AI-driven opponents to become the world's richest financier!

Group like-coloured gems together to make them bigger and more valuable. Cash them in for incredible rewards! Avoid falling rubble, detonate bombs, and chase off sneaky robbers.

  • "Will have you screaming at the top of your voice with gleeful frustration"
    Bits 'n' Bytes Gaming

  • "A great achievement on the iPad... uses that large screen size to its advantage"

Tech Stack

Objective-C Cocos2D XCode

The game is developed in Objective-C using the open source Cocos2D

GameCenter API

The game integrated the GameCenter API for high score tracking and achievements. This involved doing a lot of asynchronous code using Objective-C's selectors.

Memory Management

The games used Objective-C's Automatic Reference Counting for memory management. This was reliant on the code being designed efficiently, avoiding circular references, and ensuring objects did not linger in memory due to phantom references.