A puzzle game of quick-thinking strategy against the clock for iPhone.

A fiendish mix of fast-paced money-making action, strategy and forward-planning. Making a million is a maddening test of wits and skill!

Greedy Bankers was Alistair's first commercially-released game. Developed upon graduating from university, it formed the groundwork of his career as an independent game developer.

  • "Great gameplay with an addictive core... 87%"
    The Smartphone App Review

  • "Immensely enjoyable and fast-paced fun"

Tech Stack

Objective-C Cocos2D XCode

The game is developed in Objective-C using the open source Cocos2D

GameCenter API

The game integrated the GameCenter API for high score tracking and achievements. This involved doing a lot of asynchronous code using Objective-C's selectors.

Memory Management

The games used Objective-C's Automatic Reference Counting for memory management. This was reliant on the code being designed efficiently, avoiding circular references, and ensuring objects did not linger in memory due to phantom references.